Current Egonauts taking their place at the Round Table

“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”
~Benjamin Franklin

Welcome to the Order of the Egonauts. We are a community advocating for the principles and positive outcomes that decentralized and distributed power structures offer. If ethically and pragmatically integrated, blockchain technologies such as Ethereum and Bitcoin have the potential to create more inclusive systems of mutual benefit to individuals, Democratic governments, legitimate businesses and non-profit organizations across the world. By providing and advocating better access to education and awareness, we believe these technologies have the legitimate potential to create a more fair, free, secure, and transparent system of commerce, communication, finance, government accountability, justice, and various other aspects of daily life through ongoing societal adoption.

It appears evident that our modern civilized world is steadily falling out of Order as once trusted private and public institutions have become so systemically corrupt, it feels nearly impossible to turn around and potentially a risk to those who would even try. However, if we are able to collectively recognize the reasons behind the systemic corruption, which appears correlated with decades of enabling centralized institutions to consolidate power as evidence by corporate monopolies in many areas of commerce and centralized financial institutions that despite increasing government oversight and regulation continue to exploit the middle-class and vulnerable communities, while authoritarian governments enact more laws they claim will “protect” us. While the old guard tightens this grip using veiled claims of “consumer protection”, “social justice”, “public safety” and “national security” they continue to employ more sophisticated tactics of destruction and societal division sponsored by media conglomerates that reinforce a narrative that divides our citizens. They imply it is for our own good and to relinquish the central control would bring chaos and anarchy.

We believe there is another way. The way of the Egonaut. An Egonaut is a being who has chosen to devote more of their time to existential contemplation. Moving past the physical constraints of their daily perceived surroundings to elevate their minds to a less clouded state. To consider the nuances of the human condition and ascend above the prescribed narratives of sinister corporate media feeds, sponsored by plutocratic governments and exploitative institutions that seek to distract and divide humanity from itself. The Egonaut travels through their own mind; reflecting on our collective history with a communal knowledge that empowers independent, benevolent thinkers to freely deploy more modern, decentralized solutions to favor human Order over contrived chaos; with blockchain being one of the most promising technologies that has emerged and capable of this monumental, but achievable task.

The Order of the Egonauts is building a membership community of artists, athletes, architects, attorneys, academics, brewers, builders, business execs, chefs, contractors, community leaders, developers, dentists, designers, directors, doctors, educators, engineers, entrepreneurs, entertainers, farmers, firefighters, influencers, gamers, gurus, inventors, laborers, musicians, politicians, public safety workers and publicly elected officials, veterans, writers and those rare renaissance men who defy all definition.

Many of these types of individuals have already joined the Order of the Egonauts and all will be represented as we move towards creating one-of-a-kind IRL events for holders hosted at “The Block Castle” to be built in Medina, Minnesota. At these events, connections will be forged among a diverse and dedicated group of like-minded but independent thinkers who believe there is another way. A way that could be achieved much faster with the help of decentralized technologies like blockchain. Though the Order of the Egonauts vs. Monsters & Villains art may pay tribute to the most influential personalities in the space of blockchain and cryptocurrency, our mission as Egonauts is much greater. Including to help ensure the adoption of this disruptive technology continues to grow and empower a more prosperous and peaceful future for all societies.

~The Order